Projekto rezultatai (project results)

Praktiniai ir daugkartinio naudojimo ištekliai praktikams (Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners):

YouTube projekto sklaidos kanalas Erasmus+ SPELL. Čia rasite 16 vaizdo įrašų atspindinčių STEAM ir proejktinio-patirtinio ugdymo taikymą ankstyvajame, ikimokykliniame ir priešmokykliniame ugdyme. (A channel for disseminating good practice. Recorded project presentations and created methods put on YouTube playlist)

Croatijos partnerių pranešimai sukurti Sutori virtualioje platformoje:

STEAM and project-based experiential learning. Theme Digital literacy

STEAM and project-based experiential learning. Theme Entrepreneurship

STEAM and project-based experiential learning. Theme Entrepreneurship

STEAM and project-based experiential learning. Theme Digital literacy

 E-knygos atspindindžios keturias projekto temas: verslumą, skaitmeninį raštingumą, gamtą ir aplinką bei sveiką gyvenseną.

e-book "Experiential STEAM: entrepreneurship". A book about STEAM and project-based experiential learning on the theme of Entrepreneurship. It is a publication of good practice dissemination, reflecting the results of teamwork, international and development cooperation, openness of education and innovative practices in the digital age, pedagogical innovation.

e-book "Experiential STEAM: digital literacy". A book about STEAM and project-based experiential learning on the theme of Digital literacy. It is a publication of good practice dissemination, reflecting the results of teamwork, international and development cooperation, openness of education and innovative practices in the digital age, pedagogical innovation.

e-book "Experiential STEAM: nature and environment". A book about STEAM and project-based experiential learning on the theme of Nature and Environment. It is a publication of good practice dissemination, reflecting the results of teamwork, international and development cooperation, openness of education and innovative practices in the digital age, pedagogical innovation.

e-book "Experiential STEAM: healthy lifestyle". A book about STEAM and project-based experiential learning on the theme of Healthy lifestyle. It is a publication of good practice dissemination, reflecting the results of teamwork, international and development cooperation, openness of education and innovative practices in the digital age, pedagogical innovation.


Metodinė priemonė, kurioje patalpinta informacija apie STEAM, paaiškintas projektinis metodas, jo taikymo ypatumai ugdymo procese. Į šį diską taip pat sudėjome mokytojų pranešimus, kurie labai vaizdžiai parodo STEAM ir projektu grįsto ugdymo metodikas, poveikį ugdytiniams, pačių pedagogų refleksiją bei atgalinį ryšį. Nuosekliai išdėliotos STEAM ir projektinio patirtinio ugdymo taikymo strategijos bei patalpintas sukurtas STEAM modelis ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigoms.

DVD guide + videos. It is a methodological tool, which contains information about STEAM, explained the experiential method, the peculiarities of its application in the educational process. We also included teacher reports on this disc, which show very clearly the STEAM and project-based education methodologies, the impact on students, the teachers' own reflection and feedback. Strategies for the application of STEAM and project-based experiential learning have been consistently laid out and the developed STEAM model for pre-school education institutions has been placed.


Tyrimų medžiaga, skatinanti refleksiją sektoriuje (Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector):  

Nuotolinė respublikinė konferencija Rokiškio lopšelyje-darželyje „Varpelis“. (Webinar. National online conference of pre-school education institutions “Integration of STEAM activities into the educational process”. This is an event dedicated to the International Erasmus + 2 Key Action KA229 General Education Sector Strategic Partnership Project No. 2018-1-LT01-KA229-047039 “STEAM and project experiential education” for presentation and discussion of methods.) 

Bendruomenės kūrimo įrankiai (Community building tools) 

SPELL projekto Google Diskas su visa projekto metu sukurta mokomąją, padalomąją bei prezentacine medžiaga. (Project Google Disk. Google Disk with project material, useful literature, created videos, presentations, booklets, brochure, posters and other)


Sklaidos medžiaga (Dissemination material) 

An article in local newspaper “Rokiškio sirena” (LT)

Short messages about project activities in Rokiskis nursery-kindergarten "Varpelis" Facebook page.

Kindergarten web page (Croatia)

Local news site “Dalmatinski portal” (Croatia)

Erasmus+ website (Croatia) 

eTwinning website (Croatia)

School Website. Fikret Haluk saraçoğlu Primary School (TR)

News and an Article on Local and Online Media “My Gazete” (TR)

Articles are published in the homepage of Ludza municipality (LV)

after each mobility to partner countries and hosting of the partners: